Gun Trade World - Oct-14

In this edition

In this 80-page issue our lead story focuses on New Zealand and a call to extend the ban on using lead shot to shotguns under 12-gauge – and how these plans have been vetoed by the Fish & Game New Zealand Council (F&GNZC).

US firearms sales reflect a ‘New normal’ – Following unprecedented gun sales in 2013, the US gun market remains buoyant, according to figures released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

GTW presents a spotlight on shotguns and why they play a key role in the market. From clays to game, pest control to Olympic competitions, the reach of shotguns knows few bounds and they are a key part of most shooting businesses. We analyse this huge sector in detail.

In this month’s ‘Doing Business with…’ we travel to the furthest corner of the globe to tell you all you need to know about one of the world’s most varied and vibrant markets – New Zealand.

All this, plus the latest topical news, regular features and much more in this latest edition.
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