Gun Trade World - May 14

In this edition

Gun Trade World - May 2014

In this feature-packed edition our lead story focuses on the EXA show being cancelled. We find out what is behind this decision to drop the famous Italian event?

Brocock bought by Italians - An English airgun maker is added to other famous gun brands. We talk to Dianna Holdings about its latest aquisition.

IWA 2014 - Another classic? The massive German gun trade fair proved to be a record breaker yet again. We look at the facts and figures that made up this year’s show.

Non-toxic shot a talking point - The IWA show saw the issue of lead-free ammunition tackled further. Read more on this in this issue.

Spotlight on: Clothing - GTW’s exclusive review of this sector -The choice among products in all sectors has never been greater as manufacturers tempt us with ever more sophisticated clothing.

Company Profile - We look at Caesar Guerini and the success story of this major Italian gunmaker.

Leupold names president and CEO, plus topical news, regular features and more in this bumper 92-page edition.
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