Gun Trade World - Jan-15

In this edition

Gun Trade World January Issue.

Looking ahead to a productive year.
In the USA, sales of guns and ammunition have returned to more normal
levels after the boom time in 2013, which saw production ramped up and shortages of product. After manufacturers extended their production capacity to meet demand amid fears of anti-gun legislation, the shelves have been left with plenty of stock on them as the law-change concerns have, in general, proved unfounded at least for now.
On other continents the economic downturn has improved but uncertainty still reigns in many quarters, keeping the markets nervous and impacting on sales. Luckily, though, we are at the time of year when we have two massive, morale-boosting events to encourage us.

Meet The Maker:
If ever there was a success story in the shooting trade, Spanish barrel
maker Bergara must surely be it. From a standing start to a worldwide
name in six years is some going, explains Stan Piecha.
There are plenty of long established companies in the gun trade – major
players in their home market – who have spent decades trying to make a big impact on a global scale without success.
So the meteoric rise of Spanish barrel maker Bergara onto the worldwide stage in a mere six years is truly remarkable and shows just what can be achieved with the perfect product and the correct marketing.

Davide Pedersoli: Building the perfect replica.
Davide Pedersoli is famous worldwide for its quality products but staying at the top means constant improvements. New heights have now been reached with the Silver Line. Achieving certain results is generally the fruit of good teamwork and this is certainly true of the weapons from Davide Pedersoli. They are the result of the work of one of the world’s top manufacturers of replica fi rearms together with the participation of passionate and very knowledgeable fans.

All this plus much much more in this months GTW!
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